天然气公用事业Safe and reliable natural gas solutions

By 2030, the natural gas industry is expected to adapt to new net-zero challenges. With a track record of over 70 million connected gas endpoints, we’ll help you rise to the challenge—safely and reliably.


Overcome your gas grid obstacles with AMI and ultrasonic metering.

更低的运营成本. Improve gas infrastructure safety. Adapt to net-zero emissions mandates. 用Itron的气体溶液, you can overcome your day-to-day challenges by unlocking more intelligence and more possibilities.

  • 气体安全第一

    Lowering risk for you and your customers is a priority. Itron has the technology you need to secure your gas grid.

  • Solutions for a Changing World

    Transform your gas distribution system into an interactive network. Itron’s flexible solutions solve your challenges today—and evolve to prepare you for tomorrow.

  • 屡获殊荣的天然气平台

    Itron’s Intelis gas platform combines ultrasonic metrology and enhanced safety in a smart device that transforms gas distribution networks.

特色 产品和IM电竞

  • Intelis智能天然气平台

    Safeguard your utility personnel and end customers using the Intelis gas platform, 具有高流量报警功能, 温度传感器, air detection and an integrated shut off valve.

  • AMI必需品(水、气)

    Unlock AMI operational value and efficiencies today while laying the groundwork for emerging industry trends and future use cases.

  • 燃气表及模块

    Choose from our wide range of future-ready devices that fit your needs today for consumption measurement, 网络管理, 运营效率, 气体安全, customer satisfaction and more.


客户 成功

    • 反对爱迪生

      "Improved ability to respond to 85% of gas leaks within 30 minutes"

      Enhancing Safety with Methane Detection

      反对爱迪生 uses Itron’s methane sensing, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and analytics solutions to detect gas leaks—enabling quick, safe responses to prevent tragic events.

    • 消费者的能源

      "客户 satisfaction has increased 140%"

      Connecting with 客户s Through AMI

      更高的效率, more insights into system performance, 更准确的计费, 改进的停机检测, better consumer engagement—it’s all part of a modern delivery system.

    • 尖塔

      Improving 气体安全 with AMI & 超声波测量

      See how 尖塔 is using Intelis, the latest in ultrasonic gas metering, to help keep its 1.7 million customers safer, warmer and happier.


    你需要专家. 我们是来帮忙的.

    Many utilities are looking to hydrogen to meet carbon reduction goals. Itron has been working with our customers to understand the future of adding hydrogen into natural gas pipelines. We have also developed a framework for testing the compatibility of natural gas meters, including our Intelis meter family.

    了解更多 about our hydrogen research results or download our white paper.

    The Benefits of Solid-State Ultrasonic 气体 Metering

    Learn how utilities are increasing revenue, reducing operating costs and improving safety.